I figure I should use this as a normal blog too.
This October has been the best one EVER for more reasons than I can even list, I'm just loving life and all of the people in it. Let's meet some of them.
These are two of my very best friends. They're always there for me to talk to about anything and always have my back. Always always always.

This is Raelyn, and this picture captures her personality perfectly. She loves food and her iPod and is just pure insane. That's why we love her.
I'll have more friend-pictures up sometime, but I don't have any on my camera right now.
All you other friendies, don't be offended, you'll be on here soon. (=

I had the chance to host a wonderful girl named Alex/Sunny/Alexandra, and she was the best ever. I still miss her and it's been a few weeks, I sure hope I get to go see her in June. (=
Also, one of my passions, marching band, competed amazingly this year. We experienced more adversity and had more people quit than probably every other year put together, but all of the people who stayed were all passionate about the band and the competition of all of it. Even though sometimes every body wanted to quit out of frustration, we all worked together and pulled through and had amazing results. We took first at every competition except for one, the music caption at every competition, percussion caption at 3 competitions, colorguard was completely undefeated and best of all....
As did our subcategories of colorguard and percussion. We're buttkickers. :D
That's all folks, good night!