Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Lovely Month of October

This isn't a nail post.
I figure I should use this as a normal blog too.
This October has been the best one EVER for more reasons than I can even list, I'm just loving life and all of the people in it. Let's meet some of them.
These are two of my very best friends. They're always there for me to talk to about anything and always have my back. Always always always.
That's Kaelyn. Isn't she pretty? And doesn't she have beautiful hair?

This is Raelyn, and this picture captures her personality perfectly. She loves food and her iPod and is just pure insane. That's why we love her.

I'll have more friend-pictures up sometime, but I don't have any on my camera right now.

All you other friendies, don't be offended, you'll be on here soon. (=

What made this month the best one I've ever lived was the GAP Program. GAPP stands for German-American Partnership Program and is a once in a lifetime experience for bot the Americans and the Germans. Through this program, every 2 years 20-30 practically perfect people from Einbeck, Germany are sent to Ogden and Roy High Schools to stay with students here.

I had the chance to host a wonderful girl named Alex/Sunny/Alexandra, and she was the best ever. I still miss her and it's been a few weeks, I sure hope I get to go see her in June. (=

Also, one of my passions, marching band, competed amazingly this year. We experienced more adversity and had more people quit than probably every other year put together, but all of the people who stayed were all passionate about the band and the competition of all of it. Even though sometimes every body wanted to quit out of frustration, we all worked together and pulled through and had amazing results. We took first at every competition except for one, the music caption at every competition, percussion caption at 3 competitions, colorguard was completely undefeated and best of all....

 As did our subcategories of colorguard and percussion. We're buttkickers. :D

That's all folks, good night! 


Saturday, October 29, 2011


I love these. They're my favorite.

Actually, I dunno if they're my favorite, but I do really like them.

You don't have to use these same colors, but as a base I used Blazed from Wet'nWild's Wild shine collection. The other colors I used were White On from Sally Hansen's Xtreme wear collection, Black on Black by Sinful Colors, and LA Color's Art Deco silver striper.

I apologize for crappy photo quality, my camera's being a jerk.

First, paint your nails with whatever color you want the sneaker to be. Use enough layers to get it opaque, otherwise the shoes will look weird and translucent and just... Weird. So make them opaque.

Next, use the silver striper to paint the tip.

The next step reminds me of lightbulbs. Use a black striper or a tiny paintbrush and black to paint a curved line through the silver, then curved lines from the end of the first line going up toward the cuticle. You'll see what I mean in the next picture.
Next, use a white striper or white polish and a tiny paintbrush to paint laces. This is actually more difficult than it sounds, but you can do it! Paint x's going from either side of the black lines that go toward your cuticle, as shown here.

Last but not least, use a dotting tool (Pardon my ghetto version) to do little loops that the laces go through.

(This isn't the greatest picture, but that's a straight pin shoved into a pencil. But it works just fine if you don't want to put out those extra few dollars to go buy a dotting tool.)

Apply a topcoat and you're done! I used number 110 Sally Hansen Insta-Dri, which definitely lives up to its name. After putting this on a super wet design, it'll be dry within a couple of minutes.

It's fantastic.


First tutorial! :D

I kind of love these.

First thing you're going to want to do is choose your colors. Of course. I used Seashell by LA Colors as a base/some of the leaves, and it's a really nice gold-y color. The alternating yellow color, the more bananaish one, is Mellow Yellow by Sally Hansen from their X-treme wear collection. The seeds are Mercury rising by Sinful Colors, Black on Black by Sinful Colors, and Barefoot by Bonita. The leaf is Last Chance by Sinful Colors.

In order from left to right: Seashell, Mercury Rising, Barefoot, Black on Black, Mellow Yellow, and Last chance.

First off, paint all of your nails with the gold color. Make sure to use enough coats to get it completely opaque. This will be the dominant color of your design. Next, use black nail polish and a tiny paint brush to paint a curved line at the upper corner of your nail near the cuticle. Using the same paint brush, paint another curved line near your cuticle that comes out from the side of the first line and curves upward toward your cuticle. This is your first petal. Follow this same technique to create the rest of the petals.

Use the same paint brush and the same black to paint tiny circles (hollow ones, don't fill them in)  inside of the first half circle near your cuticle. These will be your seeds. Fill in 2 or three of the seeds with black.

Use the dark brown and tan to fill in a few more of the seeds, but leave a few of them yellow as well.

Take your lighter banana-yellow and fill in alternating petals. Leave the other ones gold.

On the end of the petals, use black to paint a leaf, and fill it in with dark green. Use black to paint a small line that goes from the petals outward. Clean out the tiny brush you've been using. Pick up the smallest amount of black possible on the very very tip of it and paint faint lines on each petal that go from the inside out.

You can do this same thing on every nail, or just pick one or two to do it on. I only did it on my big toe, and for the rest I used the dark brown and black to do thin stripes that are very close together to mock the seeds of a sunflower.

I hope you love this design as much as I do, have fun with it!

Let's get started!

Now that' you're here, you might wonder what you have clicked on. It's nothing special, just a little blog that I started for all of you other nail art buffs out there, or those of you who just like cool stuff.

I've only been doing this for a little while but I like to think I do some pretty cool designs, which I'll post pictures of and instructions (maybe videos later) for.

I have 54 bottles of nail polish and an acrylics kit, and nearly every time I come home my mom has bought something new.

 I couldn't even get all of them into one decent picture.

That's all, keep following to see some SUPER cool designs. (=